General info about domain name

Domain names can only be used letters a-z or numbers 0-9 and dashes "-" (hyphens) . Do not use _ (macro) and do not leave spaces.

Domain name must not be too short or too long - can name from 2 or more characters. And should not be longer than 63 characters *** small letters are considered the same

Domain names must not start or end with a "-" (macro) mark, such as website and- or -websitegang.

Domain name should not use two "-" (macro) symbols, for example, website - gang

There is only 1 domain name in the World. When you own a domain name and have already registered it will not be able to repeat again, so registering the domain name is the most important thing Because it is a name that must be used in conjunction with your online business. 

Once you have concluded the domain name should register immediately because every second someone is looking for a good domain name which may be the domain name you are thinking of. 



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